


灵活性和适应性对于在新市场和新方式中实现视频内容货币化至关重要. 没有一种盈利模式能够服务于所有用户或支持所有类型内容的盈利. 这意味着供应商必须准备好调整他们的产品,以满足用户的期望并获得新的收入. Otherwise, they will miss growth opportunities while turning off audiences.  

The danger is that a monetization model is not aligned with consumer expectations. 在发达和富裕市场行之有效的订阅模式可能会疏远低收入市场的受众,因为在这些市场,基于广告的盈利方式更适合. 类似的, 像好莱坞新上映的高价值内容可以通过一次性租赁或购买来盈利, 而地面电视节目更适合快速广告支持流媒体电视(Fast)模式或简单的AVOD模式.

重要的是,供应商正在战略性地考虑如何在独特的市场中将内容货币化,并部署支持混合货币化的管理平台. In competitive and rapidly changing markets, 他们需要不断适应用户行为的自由,并以不同的盈利模式进入新市场. 就像现在针对不同市场的平台,本土化是内容层面的关键, 针对不同市场制定不同的盈利策略变得至关重要.

The worldwide revenue in the OTT video market is projected to reach $434.5 billion by 2027 with a compound annual growth rate of 16.5%,根据… MarketsandMarkets. Providers have an opportunity to harness this growth if they can capture new audiences, 赢得用户, and retain viewers by continually learning and evolving their offerings. 混合盈利使OTT领域的玩家能够对他们所提供的捆绑包和产品产生创造性,并使用分析来推动他们的决策.

CX and Monetisation Models

Monetization isn’t just about an organization's bottom line or return on investment (ROI). It is directly tied to customer experiences. It is critical that providers look at the demographics of their target markets, consumer and cultural norms as well as disposable income. 盈利模式通常从消费者与供应商的初次接触中塑造体验.

提供商努力吸引和吸引新用户,但必须小心,不要因为内容价值和盈利模式不一致而让用户失望. What is considered high-value and essential viewing can vary widely across markets.

Audiences in India will consume content differently than in North America. 供应商面临的问题是,他们是否准备好用数据分析这种情况,并为他们的产品带来一些精确度? 这意味着提供商必须能够灵活地根据内容类型及其盈利方式开发不同的软件包, 例如, having paid packages for premium content.

内容与盈利模式的错位会影响用户粘性,进而影响收益和营销ROI. 供应商必须在每一步都赢得用户,包括货币化阶段.

The Power is in the Platform

Getting hybrid monetization strategies right starts with an OTT video management solution. 平台必须能够在单一体验中支持多种盈利模式. This frees providers to continually adapt their offering to markets, 受众和内容 without needing to deploy multiple solutions or integrations. 对供应商来说,启用不同的盈利模式不应该太复杂、太及时或太昂贵.

Within a content management platform, 提供商必须能够以相同的体验和易于交付的方式部署这些模型:

Ad-Based-Video-On-Demand (AVOD) - 依靠广告商产生收入,而用户免费访问内容,以换取观看广告, 例如, YouTube.

Transactional-Video-On-Demand (TVOD) - 用户要为一定数量的视图与设备并发性限制交叉而支付一次性费用, 例如, hosting a newly released movie or live events.

Subscription-Video-On-Demand (SVOD) - Allows users to access content for a recurring fee charged weekly, monthly or annually depending on the service, 例如, 网飞公司.

免费的 Ad-Supported Linear Streaming TV (FAST) - 这些频道将传统的斜背式电视与定制内容管理等OTT功能结合起来. They are provided free of charge with targeted advertising.

将上述所有内容与不同的用户和市场结合起来,就形成了混合盈利策略. 同时, 在单一平台中使用多个支付网关可以进一步根据市场定制服务, 受众和内容. OTT平台必须提供一系列不同的支付网关,使提供商能够为受众提供可识别且简单的支付选项. 例如,借记卡或信用卡在一些国家普遍使用,但在其他国家很少使用. 他们需要准备好通过各种方式接受付款,以确保客户体验保持简单, 无缝的, 和端到端.   

而不是因为不能整合各种支付方式而限制他们的目标群体, 提供商可以部署混合模型,并为不同的客户提供多个支付网关. 这立即使提供商能够轻松地满足受众的需求并扩展其服务.

所有这些都必须以分析和商业智能为基础,以提供对受众行为的可见性, 观看习惯, and content profitability. Analytics drives optimization and decision-making around monetization. 这种级别的数据访问和分析允许提供商不断发展产品,并保持观众的忠诚度和参与度. Combined with integrating a hybrid model, this puts providers in the best position to accelerate growth and generate revenue.

其结果是一种数据驱动的方法,通过适应能力将视频内容货币化, pivot and change to meet audience requirements. Within a single platform, a provider can experiment with different models, 测试产品和变更,而不需要在集成或开发中投入新的百家乐软件. With the right platform, hybrid monetization accelerates audience growth, increases viewer satisfaction, and drives new revenue opportunities.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Mangomolo. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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